Data protection

Based on Act CXII of 2011 on the right to information self-determination and freedom of information, Section 20 (1), the following shall be determined within the scope of the operation of the functionality of the website:

a) the fact of data collection,

b) the range of stakeholders,

c) the purpose of the data collection,

d) the duration of the data processing,

e) the identity of the potential data controllers entitled to access the data,

(f) a description of the data subjects’ rights in relation to data processing.

The management of the data is based on voluntary consent, however, the handling, storing and transmission of a set of the provided data is required by law, of which we will notify the data subjects separately. If the informant does not provide his or her personal data, the informant is obliged to obtain the consent of the data subject.

The fact of data management, the scope of data managed: the date and time of the visit, the IP address of the visiting user’s computer

Stakeholders: Visitors to the website

Duration of data management: the period managed by cookies, the duration of data management lasts until the end of the visit to the websites in the case of session cookies, in the case of an order until the duration of the order, then the LXXVIII. Subject to Section 53 of the Act (“Lawyer Act”), the Agent shall handle and preserve the data processed in connection with the order for five (5) years after the termination of the order, in the case of a document affected by countersigning a document, for ten (10) years data related to an accounting document, which must be kept for 8 years in accordance with Section 169 (2) of Act C of 2000 on Accounting.

Identity of potential data controllers entitled to access the data: Personal data may be processed by the data controller in compliance with the above principles.

Description of the data subjects’ rights related to data management: The deletion or modification of personal data can be initiated by the data subject by post at 1119 Budapest, Petzvál József utca 56, or at the e-mail address

The user can delete the cookie from his own computer or disable the use of cookies in his browser. Cookies can usually be managed in the Tools / Settings menu of browsers under Privacy Settings, under the name of a cookie or cookie.

The html code of the portal, available at, contains links to and from an external server independent of the website. The providers of these links are able to collect user data due to the direct connection to their server.

In order to provide customized service, the service provider or the designated external service providers send a small data package on the user’s computer, the so-called a cookie is placed and read back. If the browser returns a previously saved cookie, the cookie provider has the option to link the data saved during the user’s current visits to the previous ones, but only for their own content. Cookies do not contain personal information and are not suitable for identifying an individual user. Cookies often contain a unique identifier – a secret, randomly generated sequence of numbers – that is stored on your device. Some cookies expire after you close the website, and some are stored on your computer for a longer period of time.

The consent of the data subject is not required if the sole purpose of the use of cookies is the transmission of communications via the electronic communications network or the provision of an information society service specifically requested by the subscriber or user.

Facebook pixel (Facebook cookie): A Facebook pixel is a code that is used to report conversions on a website, compile target audiences, and provide the site owner with detailed analytics about visitors ’use of the website, but is not personally identifiable. More detailed information about Facebook Facebook can be found at

Administrative data management

Name of the data processor: Gajer Bertalan e.v. , tax number: 57986351-1-22, Hungary, 7636 Pécs, Polgárszőlő utca 26. Em.: 1 ajtó 5


Gamma Office Building, 1119 Budapest, Petzvál József utca 56, ground floor, office 3



+36 30 880 3967

This website is maintained by Dr. Jáger Krisztina Law Firm, registration number of the Budapest Bar Association: 5145 in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to lawyers, which can be found on the website together with information on client rights. > Privacy